Wisdom tooth importance and gravity and treatment

Wisdom tooth is known as tooth eighth on every side of every jaw in the mouth, and it appears between the ages of 15-25 years in the vast majority of cases, and complete the number of permanent teeth when the adult human to 32 Sprocket, this tooth, like the rest of the molars and premolars, necessary to chew food. The so-called wisdom tooth; Because it emerges after adulthood in humans, but may accompany Emergence Sometimes problems, and those problems; frequent infections in the surrounding tissue , or may emerge diagonally forward leads to the accumulation of food scraps between him and the molar that in front of him; where it is difficult clean it leads to occurrence of necrosis in them, as well as inflammation of the gums and other supporting tissues, or may emerge this molar diagonally to the outside leads to inadvertent contact Cheek from the inside or that human bite cheek frequently and this causes blisters and pain in the cheek which requires Castle. This tooth may remain buried in the bone either wholly or partially, causing sometimes pain requiring surgically extracted. As a general rule should be maintained on the tooth, but this is always in the case of the inability to deal with it. Four teeth mind, two are located in the back corner of the upper jaw and two in the back corner of the mandible. Show teeth generally mind between the end of adolescence and the twenty-fifth. Problem of wisdom teeth have become common, and back in first class to the non-availability of enough space can accommodate the teeth, may be it back to the arrival of upper and lower jaws to the final maturity then does not remain a great place to house these molars, however they are forced to grow whatever and at what price. And when it is the place where emerging sprocket narrow mind it, forced his brother does not champion, forced to grow but at Crooked shape in the form of a horizontal or in other directions Widget strongly on the adjacent tooth, causing him excruciating pain may be unbearable. The tooth that grows warped may overlooks gum out or he might not be able to emerge from hiding remains entirely within it. And cause teeth buried under the gum mind recall many disorders, including: * Gingivitis, The area of wisdom tooth buried could become a fertile environment for the multiplication of microbes and leads to inflammation of the tissues surrounding it, and then the patient from pain suffers and the inability to open the mouth and the appearance of the bad smell in the mouth and altered taste and, in advanced cases may develop inflammation to focus Inflammatory be the cause of the emergence of other wells in the neighboring or distant places. * Decay, that the occurrence of wisdom tooth in a remote area in the jaw depth would not be allowed to clean it in good shape, which leads to the accumulation of food waste and bacteria, and these two factors constitute the spark that ignite injury caries. * Pain and discomfort when you open your mouth, the pain has spread to the jaw joint and to the eye and ear. * Abnormalities of teeth, that the pressure exerted by the fangs of mind reflected negatively on the front teeth that overlap on top of each other, from here abounded dislocation of wisdom teeth almost routine operations in order to make room for the front teeth, and this is the old theory that prevailed in the absolute form of a long period of time, and there are studies came another theory says that tooth crowding is not because of wisdom teeth, but because of Oral and Maxillofacial growth mode, either argument of the owners of this theory is that there are people who do not have the wisdom teeth or people who have Boukala, were later to dental overlay. And of course there is a third group says that the previous two theories are correct. Do I have to take off wisdom tooth? In the past the perception among many dentists she was not to the benefit of wisdom teeth being just a remnant of the history of human evolution, so they tend to be eradicated in order to avoid complications that may result from them during the course of growth, especially dental overlay, but this view has changed today is no longer takes them off when necessary but desirable, there are cases it creates a fait accompli need to take off wisdom tooth, the most important of repeated inflammation of the gums surrounding it. Also, the divorce becomes inevitable when wounding deep wisdom tooth caries that can not be repaired, or if there is not enough place that allows hosting wisdom tooth dignity and honor next to its neighbors from the rest of the teeth. If wisdom teeth grow in good shape and in enough space and not slanting the deposed would not be useful, but their presence is important for two reasons: First, it helps in the process of chewing even if hit by caries, it is possible to fix it. The second is that of wisdom teeth form the basis for the development of artificial teeth in the event of exposed teeth adjacent to the consequences led to the toppled. And wisdom tooth extractions can be done in the dentist's office under local anesthesia, or in a hospital under general anesthetic, and in the clinic being gouge Darsin sprocket or at the most to be gouge others in the second session. In the hospital are the eradication of the four molars at once. In the period following extract wisdom teeth must be firmly adhered to some tips in order to prevent the occurrence of some dangerous complications such as bone inflammation, and these tips: 1. Place a piece of gauze in place with molar Malwa keep the mouth closed in order to stop the bleeding. You must be maintained on a piece of gauze in its about 30 to 45 minutes to continue beyond. If the bleeding can be repeated again a new sterile screen mode for the period mentioned above. If the bleeding does not stop you should contact your dentist, and if you are in a remote location does not allow you to connect to it, if possible, try to get on the ampoule of vitamin K content is poured on the wound and on the screen that covered. 2. Establish as snow on the cheek to alleviate swelling that appears on the first day of the operation. 3. The commitment to full rest and avoid stress, which can hinder wound healing. 4. refrain from smoking. 5. eating soft foods easy to swallow with drinking enough fluids and avoid hot ones. 6. taking prescription drugs, which usually include pain relievers, along with anti-inflammatory adherence to his instructions literally. 7. see a doctor in the event of the appearance of complications. 8. When the jaw sedated must pay attention to not biting the cheek or lips or tongue pending anesthetic effect disappears within a few hours. 9. perseverance on dental care and cleaned after gouge molars. Finally, it remains to be seen from the following wisdom tooth: - Many may ask why so-called wisdom tooth that name? I have called this name because it appears in adulthood and adulthood, and there is no relationship to any of the sprocket with the mind, either closely or from afar. - Many also think that wisdom tooth age Plus does not have a job, some have interpreted this matter in accordance with the natural law, which eliminates Ptbdl forms of Members depending on the functions, the current human Valve is less strength and size of the decoding of our ancestors in ancient times who were eating tough foods, and they were also have large jaws allow the emergence of wisdom teeth intact. In our time Valor change as we eat soft food soft contributed significantly to the scaled allocated spot for the emergence of a wisdom tooth which reason in Antmarh, from here some scientists believe that the fangs of the mind itself is a legacy to the stage of old, and that this legacy fleeting inevitably in future generations, which will own 28 and older Sprocket not only is, but, in the waiting period which will see the demise of wisdom teeth, the molars are still in place and will remain until further notice, the source of a number of problems and inconvenience. - Recent studies have reported that the wisdom tooth can be a focus of inflammatory bacteria from which to neighboring and distant places, causing serious complications is very important here than the periodic inspection of the teeth in order to monitor any disruption respect Bodharas mind. - Issued in Britain medical bulletin government by the National Institute for Health Quality addressed to everyone who is involved dental, recommends not to take off the sprocket sound mind without justification, as demanded newsletter dentists calendar not to convert patients to their fellow dentists to take off molars in order to avoid overlapping teeth. It considered that the newsletter gouge sound molars is not pointless because several complications may be on the deadline, including bleeding, infections, and wounding some nerves, and perhaps sometimes death, to this request Institute of doctors involved uprooting infected molars only. Is wisdom tooth, the cause of contention in the teeth? This is a classic and common question among people and dentists. Usually people suffering from contention in the front teeth, especially after the age of twenty and overcrowding continue with old age. This is a very naturally as a result of several factors scholars differed in their health. The old theory blames wisdom teeth being emerge in this period of time, they put pressure on the teeth and cause compete with. Commonly take off as a routine wisdom teeth to prevent tooth contention, especially for those who have modified their teeth calendar. After other studies, more modern Scientists have proved that the real reason is not wisdom teeth, but goes back to the maxillofacial growth mode, especially the lower jaw, and the growth that extends beyond the age of twenty and growth of surrounding tissue are a cause of the contention teeth and not wisdom teeth, because a lot of people who they do not have the mind of a fierce They are free or who are still vulnerable to crowding of teeth. In the presence of these studies dentists split into those who support the first theory and others support the second theory. It is true that the two theories are correct and can progress together, common reason behind tooth contention. Of course depending on the cause of man and put his mind a fierce and growth may vary. Do you know of such problems, a good reason to remove wisdom teeth early? Dental scientists disagreed in a reply to this question, some in favor of wisdom teeth take off early so as to ease deposed before completion of their formation and as a kind of protection against any possible complications and prevent crowding of teeth. Others denied takes them off unless there were calls for it, such as cavities or gum infections around. And they support these government medical bulletin issued in Britain, which prevent dislocation fierce sound mind without necessity. In particular doctors were prevented from converting orthodontic patients to dental surgeons to remove wisdom teeth in order to avoid crowding of teeth. This is because as the bulletin says the danger associated complications to remove wisdom teeth, bleeding and injured some nerves and other serious complications.
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