Human hair and its importance and how to take care

It is no secret to any of the long hair is a symbol of the beauty of women, especially in ancient times, and from what was said in the most beautiful women's hair: Freya pulls her hair and do lose him, and he felt Raven cosmos the day bright and dark like a night out Long: white Absent in it: get lost in it Raven: pitch And the men also share of long hair, as we find in old movies and books and paintings and recall For example: Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci and Einstein ... The beginning of scientific research in the hair: With the beginning of the industrial revolution in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, it flourished industry and jobs, but each coin has two faces, where accompanied by an increase in occupational injuries as a result of long hair for workers, and so began the workers cut their hair in order to avoid such incidents, and little by little people are impressed with this The new shape and starting to cut the hair and quickly became the usually men, and it did not stop at that and moved to this fashion women hair also ... And synchronize this change starting many scientists and thinkers and philosophers in the search for hair secrets and benefits, and out Find conclude that the hair excellent plant for vitamin D when the sun's rays interact with the oils contained in the hair, which is a necessary component for calcium absorption, which builds bones and teeth, and also it has a role in strengthening the immune system and protection of the respiratory tract, including the common cold, cold and diseases, tuberculosis (TB) ... Damage hair cut: If left to grow hair up it will inevitably lead to a certain length will not grow beyond, and the continuation of this length consumes 0.5% of the protein in their daily food intake. In the case of the story periodically, it makes the body consumes a lot of protein and minerals to re-build of new hair. So there is a wrong notion that the long hair consumes more food than short hair and for this resort a lot of parents felt their children to cut their daughters and even grow properly !! Should not human beings that they change their habits to conform to the law of nature: If you cut a finger or hand cut off, they do not grow again, but if the cut off part of the liver or hair cut it quickly grows again !! See what you can infer from that?! To be the presence of wisdom for everything, and if the hair was not more useful than finger or hand, it is not less useful of them ... And it has to be for a person to choose, either to live in harmony with nature, or to live in conflict with it ... Hair relationship of the sun and the moon: It supposed to be the central point to collect the sun's energy, located in the top of the head, and its counterpart competent Moon, located on the chin, and from here, the importance of hair in energy from the sun and the moon and supply the body of the attraction, as it is characterized by its ability to negative energy filtering (Kalchaam, despair and tension) and pick up the good energy that sends the courage, calm, optimism, warmth and enthusiasm ... And in statistical carried out by the thinker and Western philosopher, it found that beards for men protects them from vice, and makes them have more wisdom and lead them to the right path and the views of sound, as it purifies the solar energy and extends the body, which is considered an antidote for many bacterial diseases affecting humans ... Let's ask Where is the equality in the enjoyment of the man's hair and mustache head and chin, while the women do not have the only head hair ?! We all know that God is the arbiter of justice, and therefore must be the existence of equality, absence of beard and mustache for women makes it enjoying the beauty and femininity more, and God has offset this by making nervous apparatus is working vigorously 12 times more than men, and for this we find a warm, affectionate and wise also ... Hair components: Hair is composed of material protects the body from cold and heat, in hot weather hair works as a coolant to protect the head and brain of excess heat, and that by interacting with sweat, which evaporates and thus turn down heat and less head injury strikes the sun ... And in cold weather hair works as the pool of energy the sun, and therefore sends warmth in the body, and in difficult situations stand the hair on the limbs and thus captures more energy from the air, ocean and human makes more courageous and decisive ... And we can say that the hair a great favor from the Creator Creator photographer Praise be to Allah ... Hair and consists of: 28% Oxygen 50% carbon 6% hydrogen 11% nitrogen 5% sulfur and rare metals Thus, we cut the hair we lose a lot of elements and also benefits ... At present, we find that the clergy of all religions and many philosophers, scientists and thinkers long beards and sometimes they feel, is not a cause for this question ?! In the new research said that the cut 50 grams of body hair loses 1 gram of rare metals such as selenium, which protects the body from diabetes and also alleviates the sense of pain resulting from burns disease ... And of rare metals: zinc is important to maintain the health of the skin and protect the nail fungus. And the loss of rare metals weak immune system and the body becomes more vulnerable to disease ... also lead to digestive disorders in children and therefore to the loss of taste and appetite and become faint of structure, short-stature and lost all activity and vitality ... Search in another pointed out that women's hair is longer and thicker hair than men and therefore has a greater amount of rare metals, and even odder than that it is getting thicker in pregnancy which shows the increase in energy and his mother and fetus and the supply assembly ... Note: in some cases have hair cut, and the human to know when and to what extent can Iqs ... and hair cut in the first half of the month, the Arab preferably even grow better health ... Information: sprout hair diagonally from the scalp. Hair can be divided into three main categories: - Residents felt the area around the Mediterranean Sea, Asians and Arabs: dark colors, thick and tough; - Hair Europeans: light colors and soft; - Hair black: black, short and curly. Issue Number: - The number of hair changed per head (with age) and varies depending on color, race, and the thickness of the hair, and can estimate the average number of hairs on top of the average person about a hundred thousand hairs (100.000): - Blond hair softer brown hair, and this is what explains the high number of more blond hair brown. - Woman carrying on her head felt more than men. - We can find 80.000 thick and stiff hair versus 120,000 a soft hair Diameter circle hair ranges between 0.05 and 0.12 mm by age and race. - Weak when the new baby. - More important in adults. - Decreases in the elderly. Density: - On the one centimeter square area, we can find from 50 to 100 hairs. Height: - Hair grow between 0.9 and 1.25 cm per month, which is between 0.3 and 0.4 mm per day. - Daily body produces about 30 meters of hair on the scalp alone. - You can reach the maximum length of the hair to about 90 cm if not exposed to cut through their life cycle. - It is worth mentioning that the record in the book "Guinness" is the standard numbers of people along the Indian reached his hair to 8.9 meters. In any case this is of unusual anecdotes. Weight: Shall poetry can fully normal weighs about 100 grams. For the life of the hair: - For the life of the hair on the scalp, ranging from two to six years (2-6 years). The hair growth cycle includes three successive stages, and can slow down or accelerate due to various physical factors: 1. The first phase: growth stage ... 84% of the hair is in this stage ... for this stage, ranging from two to six years. 2 - Second stage: the stage of transition, ... 1% of the hair at this stage ... period of two to three weeks. 3. The third stage: the final stage (prepare for departure and renewal) ... 14% of the hair at this stage ... period of two to three months. Physical specifications of hair: · Hair Rubber - Dry hair can be extended from 20 to 30% of the length; - Wet hair can be extended up to 100%; - With "ammonia" it can be rolled out more than 100%; hair malleable and Lin: - When applying certain hairstyle can be retained by the hair for several hours or even days without stabilizers. The hair on the absorption capacity of which is hydrophilic: - Expand or shorten the hair by moisture or dry air around them; - Drop the hair increases with humidity of 10 to 15%; - The ability to take advantage of this absorption for the introduction of coloring materials and coloring and wrinkle removal and permanent straightening ... Hair Negotiable electrification: - When hair comb by comb or brush from static electricity to plastic shipping. - Snow also electrified hair ... Hair incorruptible: - Hair does not decompose under the influence of natural factors, even after death hair stays intact. Hair solid: - Cutting hair requires a strong Shada; - Needed to cut the hair of force differ with race and age; - Needed to cut the hair of force rate down from hair after exposure to chemical agents decking: Cutting resistance: Natural hair from 60 to 100 grams Hair dyed or sensitizers from 50 to 90 grams Subject to the removal of hair color or permanent wrinkle or permanent straightening of 40 to 60 grams Hair repaired yet violent process of removing color from 30 to 50 grams Yellow race (natural hair) from 100 to 150 grams Black race (natural hair) from 40 to 60 grams Some causes of hair and scalp problems Mechanical reasons: - Demobilization and decorate poor quality or consumer tools - Excessive pressure or tension on the hair (Rubber, associations, ...) - Crimp violent. Physical reasons: - The Sun - Sea water - UV - Air Pollution - High heat (hair dryer, iron corrugation, straightening ...) Chemical reasons: - The concentration of high-alkaline or strong oxidizer - Leave the "Permanent Wrinkle" or preparation "Permanent straightening" solution for a period longer than necessary on the hair. - Operations "coloring" or permanent crimp (BRM) or permanent smoothing (Dafrisaj) is compatible with the hair or the case has been applied in a manner bad. - Soap. - Worse shampoo. Satisfactory reasons: - Bacteria, fungi, parasites Wrong Attn: - Bad care, violent, excessive or deficient. Endogenous reasons (physical or psychological): - Incidence of infectious bacterial disease - Lack of vitamins - A chemical or drug poisoning - The use of birth control pills - Chemical treatments - Psychological pressure - Neurosis - Physical or psychological fatigue - Prenatal and other ... Basic knowledge about the diagnosis of hair and scalp problems: · How to examine the hair and scalp: The hair and scalp examination by considering and touch can also be used: - Magnifying glass with ordinary lighting source - A magnifying glass with a light source of rays Wood Type - Electronic magnifying lens with electronic screen (hundreds of times). When you examine the hair and scalp should note the following: · Hair density: - Heavy? - Normal? - Light? Qatar nature of hair: - Smooth? - Normal? - Boor? Hair length: - The maximum length of the hair? (Cm) - The length of the natural roots? - The length of the affected parties? Hair Colour: - Normal? - Apparently dyed uniform color over the entire hair? - Apparently dyed the color is uniform? - Subject to lighten intensive operations? - Sensor and affected by the coloring operations? Hair Style: - Inherently smooth / wavy nature / kinky nature - Subject to the process of permanent crimp (BRM) - Subject to the individual process (lasting smoothing - Dafrisaj) Hair status: - Appearance: glossy / opaque? - Color: succulent / Baht? - Texture: soft / rough? - Dry (roots / parties)? - Medhin (roots / parties)? - Flexibility: elastic and resistant to cut / cut easily? - Mqcefh and break easily? - Mvelloukh complex or parties? - Porous parties jagged and pale in color? The case of the scalp: - Normal / oily / dry? - Fatty oily / greasy water? - Carrying crust? - Cause itching? - Is red and irritated? - Leather carry diseases? Dialogue with the complainant (Her relationship that complain of a problem) and listen to it about: - How many times hair is washed every week? - What is the quality of the usual use of Shampoo? - Is the use of certain cosmetics before or after the shampoo? - When was washing hair for the last time? - How to clearance and demobilization? - Decking approved ways (dryer, iron, rollers, ...). Msthoudratna natural hair care and scalp Some of the hair and scalp problems Hair color disorders: - Graying La canitie - Luminance (albinism) Albinisme - Redness hair Rutilisme - Increase Tkhaddab hair Hyperchromie Hair formation: Problems - Hair wrench Poil tordue - Inflation hair Hyperplasie - Hair parties Mufelloukh Trichoptilose - The complexity of the Parties hair Trichoclasie - Trichorrhexis more complex Trichorexisnodosa - Dry hair Cheveuxsecs - The hair in the form of rosary Monilethrix - Nodules hair Triconodosis - Poverty hair Anémie des cheveux - Trichotillomania Trichotillomanie Scalp problems: - Scalp fatty Cuirchevelugras - Scalp dry Cuirchevelusec - Hair loss L'alopécie - Balding La calvitie - Hardening of the scalp La sclérose - Disease fox La pelade Diseases and skin lesions at the level of the scalp: - Itching Le prurit - Phthisis (infestation with lice and nits) Le phtiriase - Folliculitis Les folliculites - Dandruff (pityriasis) Le pityriasis - Eczema L'eczéma - Allergies L'allergie - Pumpkin or Palm Les teignes Msthoudratna natural hair care and scalp The best way for hair care and scalp: Hair needs: To daily Alvrshenh (cleaning, demobilization brushing), a brush made of natural animal hair (not electrified hair) to clean the hair of dust lingering extending natural fatty secretions from the roots and even the heads of the parties (to secure the natural protection of the hair to resist external factors, and the preservation of glitter hair and flexibility). To regular washing (2-3 times a week, or as needed) shampoo appropriate and excellent: efficient and gentle, cleans and cares for, at the same time, respect the natural composition of the hair, skin and does not harm or damage the membrane Almaia- Dhenne- acidic to the scalp, is necessary to protect it from external damage; and leaves hair easy demobilization, it was wet or dry. Soap, and even olive oil soap never fit to clean the hair, it is: - In terms of strong detergent Aqaht hair ... - On the other hand a high alkaline damage the natural composition of the hair (keratin) ... If the hair sensors or Java or affected by external factors and or work ornamentation and coloring and corrugation, etc., must be supported carefully enhanced through the use of: Bath Oil (real) is rich in natural extracts oily once a week; Cream after shampoo (no "cream after shampoo"), to be a homogeneous composition with shampoo and enjoy the combination needed to soften the hair and closing pores and re-docking to Qchiratha and modify the pH of the scalp characteristics ... If the hair is long or Marbassa, freeing it must dry before it is washed off and not afterwards, because the viability of stretch when wet hair up to her twice for a dry, which may cause hair intermittently or brittleness ease ...: Hair Ptkhalis begin demobilization from the bottom up (from the parties down to the roots) .. Tvoih hair and rinse it well and shampoo as well as enhanced care of pure and fresh water cream (non-calcareous) .. Do not use hot water on the hair, but lukewarm or cold .. Hair gently era, without spun around himself, then wrapped it with a clean towel, dry and hot (towel can be heated by the sun or microwave or blow dry (powdered) or next to the fireplace winter ...) and leave it to dry, then discharged and arranged. Do not use very hot Alscuarat, Minimizing the use of regular Alscuarat Not to blow dry the paste nozzle to conclude the process of blow dry blow cold air on each tuft finish demobilization (blow dry provider push of a button turn off the heating wire Vidvq him cold air). Msthoudratna natural hair care and scalp Must come haircut appropriate: The current color (natural or dyed). To face shape; (for the face different geometric shapes including: Ellipse, triangle, rectangle, square, round, deviant box, ...). The stage accompanied by the age. Fashion, taking into account the prevailing social values and away from the rage reliefs. Tips for choosing the color of hair dye: If unwanted hair color change must be proportional to the new color (for hair dye) some constants prominent figure in the body and each lady, and these constants: Color mien facial skin - facial features and lines - personal - life - social work type and location, desire, ... Examples: Dark facies: suit with hair colors that dominated warm shades: (golden blond, blond Venetian, Light Golden Chestnut, Chestnut, Chestnut brass ...) Facies light: suit with hair colors that dominated the cold shadows: (blond gray, maroon gray, or shades of violet, or Okajo ...) Dark colors: express the hardness (a young woman who is still her face without wrinkles) fit Fatiha mildly colors: (soothing of coarse facial features) Strong shadows and brilliant: (red, copper, violet purple) pulls matter (do not fit lady sober) Layoffs loose: look better with light or bright hair Based story (ranked) well: bear gloomy colors Face has a prominent and consistent Ptqatia: dark or brilliant to show the features of this color Face showing the features of roughness or wrinkles or blues: Light golden color or tempered Cute face and net: accept all colors. More than 70% white hair: light dye, to reduce the power of the contrast when the new growth of hair shows (every 3-4 weeks). Very light on the dark hair dye nature: dye new growth when it appears (every 3-4 weeks). Important Alerts - Do not Tkthrey of hair dyes and, if necessary, choose carefully and thoughtfully color suitable to your personality so as not to change Tdatrin a multiplicity of hair dyes on palpation and Taatfah .. - In the case of gray hair: Do not dye your hair in full each time the sprouting new growth ... but only on new growth (of the same color previously dyed hair, of course) ... after application of the dye on the roots wait half an hour to be interaction between generators and hair color ... after the end of the time of this interaction ... sprinkle a little of lukewarm water to moisten these parties Hair parties ... then Sarha hair comb by the large starting from the roots towards the parties ... in order to extend over the entire hair dye to mark the former color ... Wait 5 to 10 minutes ... then do as the hair rinse with lukewarm water profusely ... then shampoo special post-dye ... then rinse again and prolific of course ... then cream enhanced special care, including after the dye to neutralize the remnants of the dye and ammonia and oxygen ... - Dyed hair care needs to be enhanced: gentle shampoo, cream after shampoo special care, not only to facilitate the demobilization ... and make a mask restoration of hair from time to time ...
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