The wonders of the human eye

O ye who believe! If God and the Messenger called you to greeting you} (1) Nothing in Islam Shi named deadlocked Each incident rule, and our religion the religion of wisdom and prudence is not the existence of the Hui no sense of ignorance, and our faith, a right that the provisions - and Juba were or sanctity or the principles and reasons and distaste - the principles and reasons are needed to prove the legislation these provisions, these either interest-binding principles The ruling is obligatory, or without it The ruling is a scar, and so on the side of privacy if found severe spoiler Vaharmh otherwise it is hatred, and our religion is a religion of science {Are those who know and those who do not know those equal} (2). There is no equality between the world and the ignorant, it has urged law to seek knowledge urged severe serious all the time and if «Seek knowledge even if China, for seeking knowledge is obligatory on every Muslim» (3), and «Seeking knowledge is obligatory in any case» (4). And preferred our world-Abed, where Imam Baqir it said peace: «world benefit from his knowledge, better than seventy thousand Abed» (5), and preferred outrigger scientists on the blood of the martyrs was narrated that the Messenger of Allah bless him and his family: «weight ink Scientists blood of the martyrs Faragh it »(6), and wishes to his request, even to go to the depths Lynx Almahj as reported from Imam Sadiq peace be upon him:« Seek learning, even to go to the depths Lynx Almahj »(7), do not stop and the rigidity does not congeal not superficial, urged Emma urged to self-knowledge and boring Oguarha narrated that the Messenger of Allah bless him and his family: «It has identified himself knows his Lord» (8), the human appetite is a large deep sea choppy waves involved the world's biggest And you counted offense small and Vic drove the world's largest (9) And systems Islam our lives in all its aspects is the religion of life {Respond to Allah and the Messenger if called you to greeting you ...} (10) and in the stages first, but by the evolution and composition and creation, the first rights of the boy on his father to improve the election of his mother, it was reported that the Messenger of Allah « married in good booking the race Dsas »(11) and with him:« Tjera to Ntvkm, women give birth semiconductor brothers and sisters »(12). So look into equity and enabled you God all that is good to the greatness of Islam, who between short mosque in the time of ignorance and darkness the latest in science to the discovery in the present era the era of science and light, from genetics laws {and speak of passion * It is only a Revelation revealed} (13), and eating our All about the human entity this strange object baffling the minds keeping the body and revived soul together with no room to distinguish between spirit and body, the more affects the body affects the spirit positively and negatively and vice versa, and this acknowledged by the science of modern medicine, diseases psychological have serious repercussions on the body, as well as diseases physical have a clear effect on the soul, there is no interest at the expense of the soul to the body, or vice versa in the true faith. And between religion with high accuracy the human psyche configuration, and related, though what we have knowledge of a few of the spirit in relation to the fact that self-{and they ask you about the spirit Say: The Spirit of the command of my Lord and Ootim of science but a little} (14), and this is not for lack of us, but because we does not recognize more than that, The Spirit of our Lord is: {If Ssuyth and breathed into him of my spirit Vqawa him bowing down} (15), and do not realize the limited and unlimited but necessary shops. This is the little that we do know is very much in the great truth and if we have realized and we knew «it has identified himself knows his Lord» (16). And between religion prevention of diseases of the soul and self painful and dangerous ways Alیhyah the individual and society, said methods of treatment - if sustained human God forbid - carefully With immense, there is no room in the absence of depression or laziness or frustration and failure in the life of a Muslim believer, as well as other serious spiritual diseases and other . And eating our body autopsy and a statement and an explanation of the functions of its members do not neglect nor language in the presence of each member, but put each member in his place, and organized members of relationship to each other the other harmonically and Tnaam and thread wondrous so they operate as one group despite the differences in their functions and diverged its places in this body strange strange { We created man in the best calendar} (17) God blessed ... Best of creators. Then what prevents this body from disease organic and other external influences, and noted the importance of prevention and provide treatment, prevention is better than cure (18), and an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure (19), and showed the holy Shariah various treatments of various physical diseases, and indicated to the importance of treating disease in its infancy though small it may be difficult or impossible to treat if exacerbated, as in many of the cancers was reported that the Messenger of Allah | When he saw in his body pimple Aaz God and nuzzle him and a neighbor to be said to him: O Messenger of Allah Is it okay? He says: «God if he wants to maximize the small bone» (20), and the eye is the view of modern medicine, hailed this great messenger of God and God is alive and this orthodox religion {this Qur'an guides to that which is me} (21). And eating our religion what works and this body and spoil of edible food and clothing and housing, and between all human needs or are exposed to it until after death, and systems reproduction and sexual relationship between men and women psychologically and physically, and Gar in the depths of this relationship and the impact of foreplay adult in this relationship and warned From left her a stern warning signal, but nice as reported from Imam Sadiq peace be upon him: «If one of you to come to his family if they come out from underneath it hit Zenjaa clung to him, if one of you came fondling his parents let them, it is for my best» (22). He encouraged our religion to learn what works for each body and its texture was reported from the Messenger of Allah God bless him and his family: «Elman science: theology and science chilling» (23). The wonders of creation in the eye He says: Did not make him {* eyes and lips and tongue} (24). First ask why given us Bari Almighty has enough eyes one eye, what is the reason you see in that ?! To answer we say very briefly that created the eye-catching and vision, so that we see around us from other objects and clearly we need a full and broad and comprehensive perimeter see all the dimensions we need to see him three for its removal, we need to hear and be guided eyes .. And wonder again what is the role of the eyebrows? Vnaguib: they eye a situation of sweat and salty harmful Almtsbb from the front to protect, then we come to the fringes, we ask what is its role? We say it Mcnash eye they sweep the dust and microbes and other harmful stuff, and tears produced by the lacrimal gland in the eyes, wash and sanitize the eye. And maintain the epithelial cells of the cornea across the ocean have required insurance (25). What about the cornea, we say it is free of blood vessels and lymph (26) because the blood vessels and blood that where, as well as lymph will obscure the light and then the vision, and believes food of the cornea fluid that behind her and also nourishes the lens of the eye and removes waste, as it keeps the shape of the eye spherically across regulate the internal pressure of the eye, and this feeding secured by this liquid to the cornea and lens is very necessary to Khaloheme any of the cornea and lens of the blood vessels needed for Tave the different tissues of the body are fed by the blood, which is being in the capillary blood vessels minute as the blood carries food after digestion and hashed to the initial elements , every texture and a member takes in the body what it needs from food and also get rid of waste through the blood. The pupil who is a colored wall Negotiable open to the contraction of the middle slot is called Pupil separated by this wall between the cornea and lens of the eye and the space between them is divided into two parts. Is it a little thought and wondered what is the role of the pupil (Iris), Central and opened (Pupil)? To answer to This question must offer presented the necessary and essential it is that the pupil and opened equipped with two types of smooth muscle Allaradah (Involuntary Smooth muscle) which is in addition the (Clliary muscle) form the internal muscles of the eye (Intrinsic Eye ball muscles) and these muscles any muscles pupil of two types: One of them, a flexors (constrictor) to the pupil (Sphincter Pupillae) is equipped with a nerve Albarrascempattek (Parasympathetic Nerve), a nerve reflex Odevtha narrow (Constriction) slot pupil (Pupil) and that when the light is strong as in the day or in the face of sunlight or any light Last severe, as well as when considering the applicability of the mutation with the ocean (Accommodation). The second section, which extended muscle (Dilator Papillae) is equipped with a nerve Asambattek (Sympathetic Nerve) who is also the backbone of involuntary and Odevtha expansion slot pupil when the light is weak, as in the night, all that happens to regulate the amount of light entering the lens eye on as needed Will we thought the one who created and systems that ?! Eyelids and what is its role? We say: It protects the eye from injury wound (Injury) and the harmful impact of excessive light and when it closes tightly to the eye .. Glory to God Almighty. The glands Tarsal (Tarsal glands), a sebaceous glands sophisticated (Modified Sebaceous Glands) are paid Pavrazadtha fatty to pour into the edge of the eyelid below the eyelashes (Eye Lashes) and this lipid prevent excessive tear flow, and help to close the eyelids tightly in front of the air there is no air goes to the inside eye .. Glory to God Almighty. What about the lacrimal gland (gland Lacrimal)? We say in answer she gland secretes tears and consists of two parts: one large a section in kind (Orbital part) and a small section, a section palpebral (Palpebral part) located this gland in the top section of the eye ball in the front section top compartment eye Orbit back from the barrier-kind (Orbital septum) and her twelve (12) channel (ducts) open in the conjunctiva (Conjunctiva) and processed this gland any lacrimal gland double kinesthetic nerve (parasympathetic Secretomotor Nerve) as well as equip this gland nerve Asambattek (The Sympathatetic Postganglionic Nerve Supply), and when secrete lacrimal gland tears, it revolves around and through the cornea and then meet to finally enter into the lacrimal sac (Sac Lacrimal) which is related party top of the channel lacrimal nasal (Naso Lacrimal duct) and the length of the latter channel does not exceed (1.3cm) and open the lacrimal nasal canal in the lower part nostril of the nose (of Nose Inferior meatus) (cover) this Afatthhoa channel slot nasal lacrimal layer of mucous membrane to prevent the payment of this channel into the lacrimal sac when the inspiration (Blowing the Nose)?! Exalted God Bari great ?! And what about the eye ball movement and who is driven as a whole or stir the cornea alone or with her, knowing that the eye movements are all trends Klta or both eyes with one movement or different ?! Eyes spin on three axes: vertical and horizontal Front (Sagittal). And moving the eye, and rotates upward (Elevation) and down towards the bottom (depression) and move and spin to third-party (Laterrally) called this movement b (abduction) and spin moves to the inside (Medially) called this movement b (adduction) eye and used to spin (inward or abroad) as a center or use the upper part of the cornea or the pupil slot. So the question of who regulates and doing the movements ?! And add in the answer that there is - any in the outside of the eye and around - six (6) optional muscles (Six Voluntary Muscles) is responsible for this and expressed as (Extrinsic muscles of Eyeball) any external muscles of the eye ball which muscles planned involuntary (straiated skeletal muscles) , and there are internal muscles act consistently with each dish having the vision to Krhalaan asylum-b (Muscle of Eyeball Intrinsic), a smooth muscles involuntary which is three: one of them is narrowing opened the pupil and the other on the contrary, any expansion Albabaoaiih slot (Muscle ciliary) regulates and controls the shape of the lens (Controls Shape of Lens) and make the shape more oval (Globular) in the case of mutation and compliance with Ocean (Accommodation), as well as the strength of the reflection of light than the inside through the lens by screwing on the link commentator of the eye, becomes the lens more Thdba which increases the strength of the reflection of the light inside to the eye, and replaced by these three muscles inside the eye ball .. it is making this ?! And encases the eye tissue football (Sheath Fascial) surrounded by what Uday cornea, which is the transparent part of the eye, and this tissue separates eye for eye lobe hole (Orbital Fat) and makes eye Kbassa (Socket) is moving freely and without any hindrance !! The section the bottom of this tissue that runs from the bottom of the eye ball, where increasingly thicker here, and associated ligaments cheeks (Check Ligaments) and constitute what is known as the suspensory ligament of the eye (Suspensory Ligament of the eye) and which make the eye hanging between wall pit outside the eye (the brutal ) and esoteric (inner), similar to the cradle (the cradle of the child) (hammock) .. Glory to God Almighty ?! The inner eye lids Eyeball Coats are two sections, one rear opaque (in the back of the eye) and the other part is the front part of the eye which is transparent (transparent) of the eye which is known as the cornea (Cornia). So what is the cornea and what is their role and why be transparent ?! The cornea is mainly responsible for the refraction and reflection of light inside the eye, which is any of the cornea as noted above free of blood vessels and lymph, and fed by diffusion process (diffusion) of the fluid (aqueous humor) that exists behind her and across the capillary blood vessels in the rim, and helps tears to save vital corneal epithelial cells and believe in her natural environment appropriate for their complete reflection of light inside the eye on the process as better .. Glory to God the Creator photographer. What about the media eye (Aqueous Humor)? We say it is a transparent liquid to fill voids eye; first the front which is between the cornea and the pupil and the second rear which is between the pupil and the lens (Posterior & anterior Chambers of the eye ball) being this fluid through these spaces and spaces to end up - for their vacuum (Drainage) - to Sclem channel (canal Schlemm), if a blockage has occurred and did not unload the excess liquid rose to pressure inside the eye (Intraocular pressure) and hit Paljhoz eye (glaucoma) which leads to the destruction of the retina and then blindness, God forbid. But what is the role and function of this fluid is in addition to what we have already said - that it nourishes the cornea and lens, and this is very necessary for Khaloheme of the blood vessels carrying Gmae- it keeps the shape of the eye (Optical shape) through shedding internal pressure on the eye wall Vicendha and preserves shape. . Glory to God what they describe ?! And we ask again: What is the body pigeonpea (Vitreous Body) and what is his role? We say in answer: it is a transparent gelatinous material fills the eyeball and is located behind the lens, but its role is to increase power magnification of the eye (The magnifying Power of the eye) as well as assign the rear section of the lens. What about the lens of the eye (Eye Lens)? We say it is a transparent body convex sides surrounded by a portfolio of rubber (elastic Capsule), and formed the fabric of the lens epithelial cubic (Epithelium Cupoidal), is a front surface (Anterior Surface), including fibers (Lens Fibers) in the middle They constitute the bulk of the lens. And it keeps the lens elastic portfolio in the form of the lens oval, and relate to the eye lens body Alsilleri (Ciliary Body) (which contains the muscle Alsillerih Ciliary Muscle) by link commentator of the eye (Suspensory Ligament) who by dragging the lens makes it flat and so the eye can focus (Focuses) and challenge Consideration on remote objects, either how focused the eye and mutate to see close objects (Nearby Objects) This process is known him (Accomodation of the Eye) (centered the eye), we say that when the eye wants to revolve and see and focus on nearby objects, the muscle Alsillerih (Ciliary Muscle) Vtzhb shrinking as a result of that body Alsilleri (Ciliary body) leads to dilation and energizes link commentator of the eye (Suspensory Ligament) relating to this body, which leads to the form that makes the lens of the eye more oval (Globular Shape) the focus is Alیalojdzisam nearby. When human advancing age will be less than this capability because the lens at age lose Mtatitha and be more intensity (Denser & less Elastic) leading to what is known as the phenomenon of weakness resulting from the aging eye (Presbypia) and advised those using lenses additional industrial eye to help to focus on NEO. And wonder finally why human eye sees the body, which is moving from a distance towards it and one does not see the two, we say to answer that when one body is moving from afar towards us, the eyes are working together where Taatgarba (Converged), and then the retina focus (Focuses) for all my eyes on one thing , responsible for this convergence or subscription (Convergence) is one of the muscles of the external eye involuntary planned a so-called (Medial Rectus muscles), which together through contraction this subscription and harmony happen (Convergence). So the question is created all of this ?! He says the pain {* make his eyes and lips and tongue}, is it Mtdber ?! {But ... it is not their eyes, but their hearts in the breasts} (27) and the truth of God Almighty and Praise be to Allah and peace and blessings on Muhammad and The God of the good and virtuous.
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