Colds and Alalinvlonza the hands of science

The flu and the common cold (and cold) Two diseases unleash viruses afflict the respiratory tract, nose, throat and lungs, and differ in terms of viruses that cause the type of symptoms and complications. And are similar to the symptoms of the two diseases to a certain extent, it is very difficult to differentiate between them in the early stages only by using special tests, and one of the differences between the two diseases is that flu symptoms are usually more severe and more powerful, and the common cold usually leads to a runny nose. As for the complications of the common cold usually does not lead to serious complications, but the flu has developed into pneumonia will require hospitalization, and may threaten the patient's life and particular category at risk of disease For the flu virus "A" is responsible for most cases of the disease in humans, also belongs to this family many viruses such as avian and swine influenza virus. As for the cold, the nearly 40% of disease-causing viruses belong to a family, "Rinoveros". It also includes the pathogen viruses belong to the coronary virus, "Corona virus" family, which also belongs to the sharp "SARS" virus pneumonia, "Nofal Corona" virus. Most targeted children category. The elderly. Pregnant. Chronically ill with diabetes, heart disease, diabetes. People who have problems in the immune system such as AIDS patients. Prevention Always wash your hands well. Use the handkerchief to sneeze and cough. If you were not carrying a handkerchief used the soles of the facility to cover your mouth, not your hand that will touch the soles of her things later, or shake hands with people and thus the virus will be transferred to them. Do not share personal necessities such as soap and towels with others, it may also transports you to other diseases may be more dangerous than the common cold. Stay away from people with colds or the flu or who have and can look. Receive influenza vaccination, and recommends for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) centers in the United States to take the seasonal flu vaccination each year-old was more than six months, except for some special cases. Consult your doctor which you will be required. The Balencih the cold, there is no vaccination for it. Key facts seasonal influenza viral infection sharp easily spread from one person to another. Seasonal influenza spread all over the world and can injury to any person of any age group. Cause of seasonal influenza in an annual epidemics peaking during the winter in temperate regions. Influenza public health problems dangerous that cause serious medical conditions and lead to death if what befell the high-risk population groups. It could cause a pandemic influenza in the emergence of an economic burden through loss of workforce productivity and restrict health services. Vaccination is the most effective means to prevent infection. Antiviral drugs are available to treat influenza, but influenza viruses can become resistant to drugs Seasonal influenza acute viral infection caused by influenza A viruses. There are three types of influenza Almosmeh- A, B and C. The branching influenza viruses type A as well as to subtypes according to different types of surface protein of the virus and the various combinations that are subject to it. There, among the many subtypes of the influenza virus A, subtypes, subsections (A (H1N1 and (A (H3N2 which is currently orbiting between humans. It is worth mentioning that influenza viruses circulate in every region of the world. The cases of Influenza Type C are less frequent than other types. Therefore, the seasonal influenza vaccines include only viruses of types A and B. Signs and symptoms Characterized by seasonal influenza body temperature rise suddenly and incidence of cough (usually dry), headache, pain in the muscles and joints, severe nausea (feeling unwell), sore throat, runny nose. Most patients with fever and other symptoms and recover within a week without the need for medical attention. But the flu can cause serious medical conditions or lead to death if what befell one of the high-risk groups (see below). The last period between the acquisition of infection and the appearance of the disease, known as the incubation period, almost two days. Who is at risk? Can infect the annual influenza epidemics all age groups and affect them strongly, is that children under two years of age, adults aged 65 years and older, and people of all age groups with certain chronic diseases, specific, such as heart disease or lung or kidney disease diseases or blood diseases or metabolic diseases (such as diabetes) or cases of a weakened immune system, they are more vulnerable to the risk of complications from infection. Transmission Seasonal influenza spreads easily and can break into schools and special care centers, homes or commercial buildings and cities. The patient, when coughing, secrete droplets carrying infection into the air and inhaled exposure to the risk of infection. As the virus can be spread via contaminated hands. To prevent transmission, people should cover their mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough and wash their hands regularly. Seasonal epidemics and disease burden In temperate regions influenza epidemics occur every year, mainly during the winter while it can occur in the tropics throughout the year, causing outbreaks less regularly. At the global level, the flu attacks occur at an annual rate of between 5% and 10% among adults, and between 20% and 30% among children. And it can cause illness in hospital admissions and in death, especially among vulnerable groups at high risk (young children or the elderly or chronically ill). These annual epidemics in the incidence and cause about three to five million of the state of morbidity and tents, with between 000 250 and 000 500 deaths. In industrialized countries most associated with influenza deaths are recorded among people aged 65 and older. And cause epidemics in high levels of absence from work / study and large losses in productivity. We do not know the exact effects of seasonal influenza epidemics in developing countries, but research estimates indicate a high rate of child mortality as a result of influenza infection in developing countries annually. Prevention Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent the disease or severe its outputs. The availability of safe and effective vaccines and used for more than 60 years. And it could influenza vaccine provides reasonable protection for healthy adults. However influenza vaccine may be less effective in protecting the elderly from the illness, but can reduce the severity of the disease and the incidence of complications and death. Vaccination is particularly important for people at risk, more than others, to the risk of serious complications caused by influenza and persons who live with them or care for them. WHO recommends vaccinating the following categories (in order of priority sequence) degree contained: Pregnant women in all stages of pregnancy; Children aged 6 months to 5 years; The elderly (greater than 65 years); People with chronic medical conditions; And health workers. The efficacy of influenza vaccination levels greater when the circuit is well-virus compatible with the vaccine viruses. It is noticeable that influenza viruses change regularly, and it is the global network for surveillance of the WHO influenza, which is a partnership between the national influenza centers throughout the world. For many years the organization occur twice a year its recommendation on the composition of the vaccine and targeting the three virus patterns (DPT), the most representative of the virus in circulation (sub two types of influenza A viruses and one type of virus B). Starting in the 2013-2014 influenza season in the Northern Hemisphere, the composition of the vaccine has been recommended by adding a second drive type B flu virus to viruses used in vaccines triple classic. It is expected that the availability of influenza vaccines Quartet broader protection against infection with viruses type B. Treatment Antiviral drugs are available in some countries it is possible to reduce the severe complications and deaths. The ideal thing is to give early treatment (within 48 hours of the onset of symptoms) in case of illness. There are two types of these drugs, namely: Alodamantan (amantadine and rimantadine) Influenza neuraminidase inhibitors (oseltamivir and zanamivir), as well as Beramifir Aninamifir and licensed them in several countries). And the evolution of some influenza viruses resistant to anti her medicines, limiting the efficacy of the treatment. The World Health Organization is monitoring circulating influenza viruses sensitive to its anti-drugs. WHO's response WHO and its partners to monitor influenza at the global level, and recommends each year Petrkeptan for seasonal influenza vaccine twice a year to the Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere, and support the efforts of Member States to set up prevention and control strategies. The organization also works to strengthen national and regional capacities of diagnosis and disease surveillance and response operations to outbreaks and increase the proportion of at-risk groups vaccination coverage of services.
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