Chronic anxiety symptoms, causes and treatment methods

Chronic anxiety differs from the normal anxiety because it can affect your daily activities, and family life of the person and to work or school performance. While that concern could arise between now and then when one is exposed to situations stressful, the chronic anxiety, which is often referred to disorder, generalized anxiety the reasons go back to exaggerate the fear on issues that do not require excessive anxiety. Constant worry If continued anxiety about everyday problems on a daily basis for six months or more, we're talking then about chronic or generalized anxiety disorder anxiety where often it comes to health, or money, or issues related to work or family problems, in many cases, he knows the patient chronic anxiety that he exaggerates in assessing its problems, but he can not get rid of his fears. Psychological difficulties People suffering from chronic anxiety have difficulty concentrating or making decisions, because they are too preoccupied about the excessive concern, they are not able to relax more often, and can be easily Mbaghtthm because of their fears, may feel tired, suffering from depression and find it difficult to sleep or waking up sleep in the middle of the night, it can become nervous and defensive because they feel like they're always on the edge of the abyss, and there are some people who might inflict themselves in anxiety by thinking about what awaits them in the future. The physical effects Fears may generate some physical symptoms, which include muscle tightness, pain in the back, neck, or headaches, according NetDoctor's, was the person also has difficulty in swallowing or a feeling that there is a lump in the throat, and tremor, twitching, sweating, nausea, dizziness or shortness of breath Also, some patients with chronic anxiety may face feelings of numbness or pain in the arms and other parts of the body, in addition to other symptoms such as tachycardia may make them believe that they are infected with a heart attack, has chronic anxiety can also lead to other physical disorders such as digestive problems or intestine, explains the Mayo Clinic that people who suffer from chronic anxiety may develop neurological usually involuntary such as teeth grinding during sleep or during stressful situations. Common signs List Chronic anxiety disorder usually does not happen alone, was accompanied by depression or drug and alcohol abuse, which can cause new symptoms or worsening of symptoms found, and the caffeine and nicotine may also affect it, it has worse mental health and other circumstances of the person causing chronic anxiety. Chronic stress destroys the genetic material .. Simple Tips and contribute to the elimination Menna Tension (Stress) .. the term refers to any interaction occurs against a physical or mental stimulant or my feeling that can spoil the natural balance of the body. The tension can be severe or long-term (chronic), long-term tension is particularly dangerous is because it increases the likelihood of exposure to the disease and slow down the recovery. Tension part of life can not be avoided, which may arise from many things, whether physical or psychological, and there are clear sources of tension such as the pressures of work dear and problems, but at least the sources pronounced include daily confrontation with the hustle and bustle and temperature changes, and even joyful events such as the birth of a child or the beginning of a new job .. they are all factors put pressure on the man. The effects of stress * While the perceived tension as a psychological problem or a mental often, it has real physical effects; all members of the body almost and functions interact with tension, Valgdh adrenal increase production of the hormone adrenal cortical ACTH, which stimulates the release of cortisone hormones and cortisol also increases the production of the hormone « Adrenalin », so called the sum of these hormones name (stress hormones Stress hormones), which result in high levels in the body to high blood pressure, accelerated heart rate, increased muscle tension, slowing digestion, and the launch of fats and sugars from their vaults body, high cholesterol level, and change blood components to be more prone to clotting, as well as the weakness of the immune response, the body and the depletion of minerals such as phosphorus, magnesium and calcium. Several studies published over the years on the relationship between «chronic stress» and the destruction of «genetic chromosomal» and the occurrence of a long series of human diseases, ranging from graying hair, wrinkled skin, and the appearance of early signs of aging, headaches, and fatigue was confirmed, and anxiety, and changes in appetite, digestive disorders, and memory impairment, and cold hands, surface and breathing, and low efficiency nationality, sleep disorders, depression, and the end of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and even cancer. A new study * In a study is the first of its kind, published in the journal «Nature» during the month of August (August) the past, a research team Medical Center, Duke University, US secret of this relationship that has baffled scientists for long periods, where the researchers injected mice substance similar to the hormone tension known detection on behalf of the hormone «adrenaline». And confirmed the results of the study that the high adrenaline hormone levels as a result of chronic stress is the primary cause of the destruction of the genetic material DNA DNA, which leads to rise in the body to activate certain vital paths lead to the reduction of the levels of «protein p53» responsible for the protection of the genome (genetic atlas) of changes and mutations that can occur on its fractions, so-called «genome guard« genome guard », and the lack of lead levels of this protein to a series of« genetic mutations »causing a long list of diseases caused by exposure to chronic stress. A study published research himself for the team in 2010 has noted the importance of reducing the negative effects of the hormone adrenaline in the body, through the reduction of hormone link for its receptors, dubbed «Alodreynalanh beta receptors (beta * Adrenergic Receptors), located on the outer surface of the cellular body membranes. The researchers in this study likely benefit of using drugs group inhibitory receptors «beta» Beta blockers, which are currently used widely for the treatment of heart disease, high blood pressure, allergies, peptic ulcers and other health problems associated with exposure to chronic tension pressure. Activate the body's capabilities * And the body's ability to heal and counter the negative effects of chronic stress, according to a study published in July (last July) in the journal «Science» conducted by researchers at the University of Rochester, to the superior ability of the human body to heal and repair damage, which affects the DNA caused by exposure to the processes of oxidation caused by chronic exposure to stress, the so-called «oxidation Altotra« Oxidative stress », and by increasing the secretion of a protein (called« SIRT6 ») is responsible for the activation of certain enzymes that fixes bugs and disrepair that affects parts of the DNA. The researchers stressed they continue to conduct more research to determine the chemical stimulants responsible for increased secretion of this protein in preparation for further research to slow down the process of premature aging and diseases caused by exposure to chronic stress. And the relationship of chronic stress and depression, a research team at the University of Yamaguchi of Japan said in a study published in January (January 2011) in the journal «Neuron», that mice most prone to depression experiences a result of exposure to chronic stress drops have genetic expressions associated secrete certain chemicals ( dubbed «Neurotropic factors»), is responsible for increasing the flexibility of the cerebral cells and protect them from the negative effects of oxidation processes Altotra. Thus, the lack of secretion of these chemicals in the brain makes an individual more susceptible to depression, caused by exposure to stress for long periods. In a related context, and discussed the relationship between stress and depression in children and the early stages of age, a research team at the University of Dublin said in a study published in 2010, the magazine «NeuroPsychoPaharmacology», that children's exposure to stress as a result of emotional or abuse in early childhood neglect leads to changes synthetic specific areas of the brain (was monitored using magnetic resonance special technology) cause increased susceptibility to disease, depression in the stages of puberty, and increases the chances of infection in the presence of genetic factors help to his appearance in the early years of life. Tips to get rid of tension * Advised to follow the following recommendations to get rid of chronic stress * Be sure to follow a diet that contains 50 * 75 per cent of raw foods, fresh fruits and Valkhaddrawat the body with vitamins and minerals not only provide, but it is rich in compounds called semiconductor Alflavin sweeping the equivalent of free radicals destructive. * Avoid processed foods and industrial materials sweetener and carbonated soft drinks and fried foods and refined sugar and white flour products and foods containing preservatives and slides and fast food materials. * Avoid caffeine, tobacco and drugs amended mood, while these materials provide a temporary easing of tension, they do nothing to solve the real problem, it is also harmful to health and will remain a constant tension there until the following day. * Be sure to exercise regularly, and physical euphoria makes your mind and makes a net pressures under control. * Learn to relax and meditation and positive practice deep breathing and self-control Ohadazq and get rid of the negative thoughts and replace them positive ideas technologies. * Be sure to practice the hobby and give yourself time to do what .. enjoys you do not feel ashamed to spend time in the performance of something for yourself whether your health deserves. * Avoid quarrels and be careful not to deny or repress your feelings, Maintaining strong feelings repressed them resurface later in the form of diseases. * Do not be afraid to cry, but be sure to learn to cry because it can help you to overcome because it relieves the tension of emotion and allows the pent-up feelings of freedom. * Work to create a stress-free environment, kept at a low level of noise, Valdgej contribute to increased tensions. And be sure to add natural color to your environment for more rest and relaxation. * Look in the methods of treatment aromatherapy, which is characterized by its ability to relieve stress, such as lavender and sandalwood oil and sweet marjoram oil and Ali despite Mnot. Add a few drops of these oils to the water bath (bathtub) or inhaled the smell on a napkin or a clean piece of cloth at regular intervals during the day and before going to sleep. * Try not to deal with life as much of exaggerated intensity and rigor, and try to learn how to laugh......... The concern is one of the basic human emotions, like joy and sorrow and fear .. It means feeling nervous anxiety and anticipation and a sense of public danger, which also means uncertainty. The relatively recent concern in the Arabic language and ancient term used several terms to express him such fear and apprehension and others .. In the vernacular used the term tension and nervousness jittering to express him roughly. We can say, "The little bit of concern for the good in it," because it brings human to cope with everyday life and makes it better prepared to ward off risks and mastery of his actions and diverse daily ..oalehiah its face many positions require effort and proper response, and anxiety emitter positive to adapt to the reality and requirements .. The problem When you increase the amount of anxiety or continuation of a long period .. Here is a concern disease and disorder .. because it disrupts the human and Arhgah and makes daily life a painful and disturbing .. and makes his nerves taut and tense ..kma that sense of anxiety and anticipation for a long period leads to bad mood, fatigue and depletion of energy productivity and a lack of . It should be noted that most communities have a diverse heritage regard to the methods that relieve anxiety and tension .. such as recreation and entertainment, and massage the body and muscles, eat some drinks and herbs, and also multi-religious and spiritual methods. And it described the modern era as the era of concern .. because it is quick and sharp and sudden changes .. and the crises and social changes, economic, technical and intellectual variety, and modern humans had to adapt to a number of variables that follow her, an exhibition of anxiety and alienation and frustration on an ongoing basis. Medical and psychological aspects of most mental disorders are associated with symptoms of anxiety, as well as many physical illnesses. There is a range of mental disorders called anxiety disorders, namely: public concern or generalized (Generalized Anxiety Disorder), bouts of acute or panic Anxiety (Panic Disorder), obsessive-compulsive disorder (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), various phobias such as phobia market and open spaces (Agoraphobia) Social phobia (Social Phobia) and the specific concerns of animals and highlands closed, planes and places and other concerns, post-traumatic stress disorder (Posttraumatic Stress Disorder), acute stress disorder (Acute Stress Disorder), and so on. In all previous upheavals, we find that the main concern is the display, which combines them ..ohzh wide unrest spreading and do not cause severe disruption in thinking like Alhveanah Calfsam turmoil or uncertainty .. They are generally classified as mental disorders Minor distinction for her severe mental or psychological disorders. Specific anxiety disorders: The exact sense of anxiety disorders are: generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder .. and we will talk about in detail later. And also cases of adjustment disorders (Adjustment Disorders) that can take the form of symptoms of anxiety, tension and nervousness, which is the result of circumstances or specific events, such as adapting to the school or a new job or a recent marital relationship or after a romantic relationship or a financial crisis failed difficulties, including exam anxiety when approaching a timely manner, and so on .. There is also what is known personality Altjunbah worried a type of chronic personality disorder, and where (Avoidant Personality Disorder) is increasing concern about many life things, which is afraid of criticism and disapproval of their behavior, they are also very sensitive and looking for acceptance, and away from any renovation and discoveries in the behavior of the public . They are generally shy and quiet and suppressed, and has a low estimate of itself, the pattern of her life is limited because they require to ensure the safety and continuously. (Generalized Anxiety disorder): The general or generalized anxiety disorder and common ratio spread about 5% of the population. It is it affects males and females of similar proportions. It is diagnosed in the event of: a sense of anticipation and excessive fear and preoccupation with mind about several things, difficult to control with this feeling, for a period of at least six months in most of the time, in addition to the presence of symptoms at least three of the following: 1. a sense of tension and restlessness and discomfort and boiling (on my nerves all the time). 2. The speed of fatigue and exhaustion. 3. difficulty concentrating or feeling of emptiness of mind. 4. nervousness, irritability, jittering. 5. muscle tension (muscle pain, tension on the teeth, swing sound). 6. difficulties in sleeping (insomnia and difficulty getting into sleep, go to sleep and not saturated). Panic disorder (Panic Disorder): It is a common disorder and the prevalence rate is about 3.4%, which is spread over in women and by spreading weakness in men. And it is associated in one-third or half of the cases with multiple pathological fear or phobia market and open spaces and the crowds (Agoraphobia), and then increasingly more widespread in women by three to one. And panic attacks are considered severe case terrifying last minutes and then disappear during which infected human horror severe acute anxiety and discomfort and Nubia up to peak within 10 minutes and include at least four of the following symptoms: 1. heart palpitations or increased pulse. 2. increased sweating. 3. Flicker or a sense of tremor. 4. difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath and Ketmh. 5. feeling of suffocation and the inability to capture the soul. 6. chest pain or discomfort in the chest. 7. nausea or discomfort in the abdomen. 8. feeling light-headed or lack of balance or feeling faint. 9. sense of personal change (though I am not) or change the surroundings and different. 10. Fear of loss of self-control or fear of losing the mind. 11. fear of approaching death, the feeling of approaching the end and death. 12. feeling of tingling and numbness in the body and limbs. 13. donations in the body hot or cold. If it accompanied by the emergence of a panic attack with a certain position like having a patient on the market or in a crowded public place or while the car ride or plane or other positions, the patient can be for him to refrain from going to such places .. In some severe cases, the patient stays locked into the house and only detract from it, accompanied by one of his relatives or acquaintances, and after a great effort. And panic attacks may have to be repeated in one day and that goes on for an hour or more in some cases ..oattalb diagnosis appearance 4 episodes during the month or one shift during the month of patient remains scared and keeping watch through the emergence of a second bout. And panic attacks can appear once and disappear for many years and then called a panic attack individually and not repeated bouts of panic disorder. Show a panic attack while doing a regular job or position after it appears to fear or pain or after moving away from the family because of work or study. It can first appear Nuba after birth or before the menstrual cycle or during exercise or after eating one of the prohibited substances such as hashish or cocaine or Alomuftamin. And many of the patients with panic reviewing cardiologists and thoracic and emergency departments in public Almhviat, and they are many and costly checks and does not appear the heart or other tests planning any signs of organic disease, as they move between the various specialized clinics, including doctors otic and digestive and other without a clear diagnosis and to no avail. And a few of them to review the psychiatrist or convert it to a psychiatrist .. because of public ignorance and fears that her excuse about psychiatry and psychotherapy. And general anxiety disorders are chronic disorders year ..okulq most Azmana of panic, which passes periods of intensifying and hibernate disorder, and some cases disappear automatically. And confirm the diagnosis of panic disorder requires attention to some organic diseases that can be pretending to symptoms similar to panic attacks and requires experience and training in addition to some medical tests to confirm or deny its existence. The most important of these diseases hypoglycemia and hyperthyroidism or activity limitations as well as anemia and tumor of the adrenal gland .. All of this needs to be a routine blood tests. Some can be mixed cardiac disorders such as ischemic heart panic attack and the lack of mitral valve prolapse and heart rhythm disorders, and it needs to ECG and echo-filmed and clinical medical examination. In addition to the above-mentioned organic thoracic diseases and asthma temporal lobe epilepsy, a need to examine the chest and respiratory functions and test planning brain. The confirmation of the diagnosis of generalized anxiety, he needs to deny the existence of some of the previous organic diseases and also excluding the impact of caffeine intake material in large quantities (Article caffeine found in coffee, tea, cola and chocolate, and my speech, etc.). Mental disorders associated with anxiety: Generalized anxiety associated with depression in its different forms as well as panic disorder. Anxiety disorders with each other as associated in the same patient. And increasing the use of addictive substances with anxiety disorders. And increasing physical disorders such as psychological syndrome colon or stomach spasm and tension-type headaches and others. Confirms the theory of factors psychological organic social in the understanding of mental disorders on the importance of several factors together contribute to the emergence of most mental disorders .. differ importance of a particular factor according to the disorder or individual situation .. genetic and organic factors are important in the emergence of anxiety, particularly in cases of panic attacks Studies show that first-degree relatives of people with panic disorder have the same and 25%, as the percentage of the emergence of panic among twins and a single egg to five times compared with the two-egg twins. One theory suggests the existence of particularly sensitive area in the brain stem of the gas carbon dioxide in people with panic a chronic hyper-sensitivity lead to chronic respiratory and superficiality. Testing process has been shown that if the room air saturated with 5% of carbon dioxide, that cause a panic attack in people susceptible him .. In practice, we find that many of the people susceptible to panic upset when entering crowded or poorly ventilated room, which explains the sensitivity They have to own gas carbon resulting from the normal breathing of those present. And vary the assumptions membership in its emphasis on a particular area of the brain in terms of increased activity or a lack of one of the yeasts responsible for vector cerebral nerve and its relation to the emergence of anxiety. Perhaps Stain blue area (Locus Coerrolous) is responsible for the secretion of adrenaline batch of material generating concern. And emphasizes psychological theories on the importance of concern castration (Castration Anxiety), which perceives the person in the form of risk and threat of diverse parental authority figures .. It produces psychological and conflicts lead to feeling threatened when one tries to Atbut itself during solved the problem encountered or a difficult position offered by educational reasons Failure to worry or feeling weak and palaces. There is separation anxiety Separation Anxiety)), which could start in fear of going to school in childhood and later appears bouts of panic when his rights to leave or traveling away from his family and his relations important. The psychological complexities and Aharmanat and pains suffered by during the independence and separation in psychological growth phase can be left to her wounds and special sensitivity for each Maivkr independence and separation and lead to the emergence of symptoms of anxiety and panic later. And stresses the importance of behavioral theories policeman learning to understand the anxiety, for example, the human learns that the increase in heart rate associated with the occurrence of extreme danger Whatever the reason for this increase, and lead to fear and anxiety painful circumstance link and therefore the expectation of danger. And concern that can be learned from others and from the surrounding environment where he teaches parents and maternal concern for their children, and that some people are born with a sensitive mood and anxiety. And play a public, educational and social factors role in increasing the sense of danger and insecurity, through wars and disasters and social unrest and conditions of economic and living life and its contradictions and sharp variations .. In addition to the intense competition in the values of cruel, education and severe Aharmanat childish .. all of which can increase the nervous and psychological sensitivity of the device public, and also sensitivity to danger signals varied .. which increases in the incidence of panic attacks and generalized anxiety. The pattern of modern values and contradictions of life can nourish her concern and encouraged compared with simple lifestyle. Treatment: There are a number of useful therapeutic methods in the treatment of anxiety in all its forms .. and drug therapy is useful and effective in the treatment of panic disorder which prevents their recurrence and laid down by. As well as useful in cases of public concern which needs to continue it for several months or more. Modern drugs anti-Serottinin effective drugs and honest and I hurt addiction, including: Baroxtin (Seroxat), sertraline (Zoloft), citalopram and Aistalubram (Cipram, Cipralex) and fluvoxamine (Faverin) and other .. as well as modern drugs specifically for Serottinin and noradrenaline including Venlafaxine Efexor)) .obataba the drugs useful and effective three-episode, one of the older drugs and have few side effects and is still used as an antidote for anxiety, such as clomipramine (Anafranil) and imipramine (Tofranil). And sedative drugs clique of useful and effective benzodiazepine They are used to periods Vasirh usually for a period of weeks or when necessary to get used to it cause if used for long periods on a daily basis. Including diazepam (Valium) and clonazepam (Rivotril) and bromazepam (Lexotanil) and alprazolam (Xanax). These drugs soothing ease the symptoms of anxiety, fear, and also eases anticipate fear (Anticipation anxiety), which is generated when the patient after, for example, the occurrence panic attack, which the patient reports that it is acceptable act in the daily affairs without escape and stay away from situations where fear is expected. According to sedative medications also in cases of temporary insomnia, anxiety or resulting from certain psychological intensity or difficult conditions such as anxiety and other exam, where they are used successfully in a short period. Psychotherapy is based on the number of non-pharmacological methods of behavioral useful, such as breathing and deep breathing control rather than rapid breathing surface through relaxation exercises and breathing exercises. It is useful to the face of a panic attack, for example, rather than escape ..okzlk the face of situations that give rise to heart and can be used as medicine sedative or psychological methods suggestive Ooslukih and other Almtminat which had to stay in position and face even gradually to get used to the nerves and calm down in the same position .. This increases the feeling of control over anxiety and adjusts the position of the patient's condition. According to cognitive therapy, which relies on modified automatic patient's ideas and style of negative thinking that back him and associated with panic attacks, for example, where the patient panic believed a host of misconceptions that contribute to install fear and panic are discussing such ideas and identified and then modified through sessions therapeutic dialogue. According to general psychological support and the emphasis on independence and personal achievement, as well as some personal research contract and the painful memories through psychoanalysis Manual and positive relationship with the therapist. Some public methods reassuring as useful in alleviating anxiety such as religious and spiritual methods and male and forgiveness and some ancient Sufi methods such as repeating a specific word for long periods, and also yoga techniques and breath control and meditation and other methods. According to general relaxation through massage techniques (massage) and sports of all kinds, hot baths, saunas, recreation, music, dance and eat some herbs as well as modern appliances such as reflective devices vital functions (Biofeedback Instruments), and other self-techniques and methods Treat yourself to yourself and " How controls concern "and" How to Stop Worrying and Start Living ".. And a list of treatments that can be used to treat long-anxiety ..otzar new treatments and methods from time to time .. and each is fixed in its effectiveness ..ouma increase our understanding of the concern in a scientific and medical through studies and research, it is expected to improve the current medical therapeutic means and the disappearance of others. Last word: Anxiety disease needs treatment .. It is common and has several forms .. It leads to suffering psychological and physical pain and not to enjoy everyday life and to determine the activities and narrowed .. as it consumes psychological human energy internal and makes it less effective and less productive in various fields. It should be understood anxiety, treatment and mitigation of damages and dispel the illusions associated with it .. It must be a combination of medical, educational, social, intellectual and media efforts to study and consideration and highlight it and work to find the best curative and preventive ways to serve our communities and mental health. Clinical symptoms of psychological anxiety. 1 - severe anxiety: or - the state of fear or panic (1) Here, high tension appears, and acute anxiety, coupled with a lot of movement and lack of stability with rapid breathing and rapid speech is coherent, with bouts of yelling and crying be accompanied by a dry throat and pupil dilation and pale skin , severe trembling of the Parties to both arms or legs, and sometimes breathing speed lead to muscle cramps or fainting affects the individual extreme fatigue after this panic, has now become a separate publicly anxiety disorder. (B) case of acute horror (2) and most important characteristic of this case is the lack of movement and continuous sleep with muscle contraction and quivering with the advent of cold sweat Aziz, and here the patient can not give information and protective about his condition, but sometimes does not know the time and place, and often oppose this sleep Kinetic sudden rush without being during Huda, in military situations sometimes what is going towards the enemy, while in other situations often attacked and sometimes what kills than offset, and spreads this pernicious in primitive societies concern and called in the Far East Balomuk Amok. C - fatigue acute anxiety (3): When the anxiety lasts for a long time it affects the individual stress grave and catch severe insomnia for several days shows that fatigue during military withdrawal, volcanoes, earthquakes, fires and public disasters, seems to face a static without passion pale is edgy with insensitivity mental and Sir automatically and slow without knowing its direction, and the answer to the questions you shall take one pattern brief, the most important features of this case are severe insomnia that does not sometimes responds to drugs hypnotic, and so we turn in this case to intravenous, and exposed the patient during his recovery to bouts of rage and fear and nightmares, and when continue severe anxiety for a long time without healing or stress when it is slow so as not to cause any type of acute anxiety, in which case the patient is exposed to so-called chronic concerned. Chronic anxiety: He has several symptoms of the most important physical symptoms are the most common symptoms of anxiety, we know that all devices visceral in the body connected to and feed the nervous system autonomic and organized by Alheiboethelamos caller centers emotion, and therefore emotion leads to an alert of this device and the emergence of membership symptoms in the bowels of the body different, and sometimes even suppress the patient's emotion and only organic symptoms appear, and here the patient is moving towards cardiologists, chest and internal diseases by type symptoms. The most important of these symptoms: (A) periodic cardiovascular system: here the patient feels the pain of muscle above the heart and the left side of the chest, with a rapid heart rate, and even a sense of pulses in the head and his brain, making it in a panic from the possibility of an explosion in the brain, which of course will not happen, as well as the patient feels some of the heartbeat is regular and be big shock when measuring blood pressure and finds high somewhat as a result of emotion and that mistake doctor and told him that he was suffering from high blood pressure patient poor starts in a series of research and rumors and EKG which increases the concern and therefore the symptoms of pain and pulses and pressure, and so on enter in a vicious cycle finally ends and psychological treatment are the cause of all these symptoms is apparent or pent-up emotion which alerts the autonomic nerves to the heart. (B) the digestive system: one of the most important expressions of anxiety devices, and be in the form of difficulty in swallowing or a feeling of a lump in the throat, or dyspepsia, bloating and sometimes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or constipation, and even object to the patient sometimes to the mother severe colic doctors confused in diagnosis, as well as bouts of belching repeated whenever the individual exposure to certain emotions, and notes this phenomenon in all women, especially married women Echtlvin in their personalities for couples and the way the expression of emotion and often vomiting symbolic sign to protest against a certain position or feeling disgusted or disgust of someone . (C) the respiratory system: Here the patient complains of rapid breathing and approaches and Altnhidat repeated with feeling tight chest and the inability to inhale the air and sometimes leads hyperventilation to carbon dioxide expelled, and change the blood pH and lack of active calcium in the body which makes the individual likely to feel tingling in the limbs and muscle contraction, dizziness and cramps nervous and sometimes fainting, the story begins with that sick you go to a busy or a closed place or exposed to severe emotion of the loss of dear or death ... etc., begins to feel tingling and dizziness and then spasm and faint, and what happened is that the concern It led to hyperventilation subconscious because we usually do not feel the rhythm of breathing unless intensified and nature is sometimes accused of this patient Baldla and allergies. (D) the nervous system: Shows concern here in the intensity of the deep reflections when the nervous system of the patient examination, with dilated pupils and trembling hands parties especially with dizziness, headaches or dizziness. (E) the endocrine system: where is causing a lot of concern endocrine diseases, the most important increase secretion of thyroid and diabetes increase with hormone adrenaline from the adrenal gland. (F) the skin: the anxiety a key factor in the causes and the emergence of a lot of skin diseases and said that the skin is crying like acne, eczema, and Alaratkarah, and psoriasis, vitiligo and hair loss and other making doctors skin care treatment psychologically to their patients or refer them to a psychiatrist when failure to determine the cause of the conflict. (G) the urinary and reproductive tract: Most individuals are exposed to frequent urination and lasting sense of the need to empty the bladder and when extreme emotion, as it happens before exams and when exposed to the positions of sensitive, and sometimes what appears the opposite of retention of urine and notes that in some individuals in the public toilets where infected this Greenhouse despite strong urge to urinate, and the main reason for this is the sympathetic stimulation device or Albasmbthaway as a result of anxiety. One of the main symptoms of anxiety in the urinary genital tract is the loss of sexual ability in men (impotence) or erectile dysfunction, or premature ejaculation is one of the symptoms that cause severe pain when the man, sexual Valatharh cause an alert is nerves Albasmbthawayh and therefore bulging veins in the penis, causing aroused , The tossing and relaxation process, it is the competence of the sympathetic nerves, which reduces the amount of blood in the penis. As we pointed out that anxiety raises device sympathetic, and then cause sexual ability loss but is often the case begins normal erections and then when they start sexual try the man get weak and sometimes early ejaculation, begins to fear for his manhood and try again and starts a series of research do not mind going to the doctor venereal diseases and sometimes takes some male sex hormones which of course increases the desire but do not reduce anxiety, thereby increasing desire fixed and weaknesses and passes in a vicious circle when it ends psychiatrist. And often impotence occur in the early honeymoon when the man in a state of tension or anxiety due to little or no experience or severe to his love for his wife or for being in a place the people of brotherhood and sisters with a sludge-called popular (tied) and some may go psychotherapy often develop ED when the man confronted for remorse or guilt or fear of diseases ... etc. There is no doubt that the main reason in all these cases is the psychological anxiety. Thus, most cases of sexual impotence and premature ejaculation before the age of sixty are cases of anxiety and depression, because the reasons a few organic and easily diagnosed action necessary research flour and detected on the nervous system, while in the women's sexual Valbrood and the lack of response have caused in most cases, anxiety, but sometimes it causes disturbances in the menstrual completely off frequent reluctance to severe pain before him ... etc. and usually does not help in the treatment of hormones such cases. (H) of the nervous system: most patients hesitate to doctors complaining of various pains in the body is the most common muscle pain types, here are patients suffering from pain in the legs, arms, back and above the chest and often diagnosed this pain Bromatesm begins with the patient in dealing with drugs rheumatism without interest clear. Many of these pains purely psychological because of anxiety where the individual can not sometimes express it and the various conflicts only through this pain, but I have observed some patients have conducted their operations to appendectomy, gall bladder, tonsils ... etc. to get rid of these pains that have not disappear only after understanding the various conflicts in the life of the individual and treated medically and psychologically.
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