Inflammation of the middle ear symptoms and treatment

The arrival of the bacteria into the middle ear because the ear drum hole leads to frequent infections affect hearing. What are the symptoms of ear infection and what are the treatment methods available? Cause a hole in the eardrum, to the infiltration of germs permanently results in inflammation of the middle ear occurs. Doctors germs and bacteria most commonly known in cases of middle ear inflammation and so the treatment technique in these cases are concentrated on the suction secretions ear and cleaned on a daily basis for a week and then distilling the volatile places in the ear by solvents wetted materials antiseptic against fungi, do not contain antibiotics or cortisone. Acute otitis media It affects the mucous lining that covers the middle ear cavity. It is a very common disease among generations under five and causes about 40% of the total number of visits with pediatricians. This disease often appears as a continuation of the inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, which leads to rapid accumulation of secretions in the middle ear inflammation, reduced ability to hearing, severe pain in the ear, fever, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea in infants. Disease begins as a result of the entry of bacteria or viruses from the upper pharynx, through the channel horn Into the middle ear cavity. There is no consensus in the medical references about the causes of this inflammation. Debate exists over whether the cause is a bacteria or virus. The most common bacteria in this disease are: sustainable influenzae Complications of otitis media The major complication that can occur due to inflammation of the middle ear is: a permanent hole in the eardrum, a decrease in the ability to hear, inflammation Alkhca) and damage to the bones of hearing and nerve VII which drives the facial muscles, inflammation of the brain membrane, abscess in the brain and damage to drainage vein in the brain . It should be noted, that the healing of acute otitis media fast and leaves permanent damage The diagnosis of otitis media Diagnosis of middle ear infections on the patient's complaints and symptoms typical to examine the ear: swelling and redness of the eardrum depends. Otitis media is an inflammation in the middle ear is common at younger children. Most ear infections occur in infants aged 6-18 months, although anyone can be infected ear infection. It is more common in girls than boys for reasons that are not clear. Signs that your child may have an ear infection and include the following: • pull, lift, or rub their ears • high temperature (38 degrees Celsius or higher) • irritability • Poor nutrition • insomnia at night • cough • runny nose • lack of response to sounds quiet • loss of balance When should I seek medical advice Most ear infections ends quickly so it is not always necessary to review the doctor. However, it is recommended to contact your doctor for advice if: • symptoms did not show any sign of improvement after 24 hours • it seemed that your child has a lot of pain • I noticed liquid leaking from the ear You should also contact your doctor if your child is more vulnerable to the effects of inflammation, for example due to some medical conditions. Treatment of ear infection Most ear infections disappear in two days. You can use paracetamol or ibuprofen (appropriate to the child's age) to relieve pain and high temperature. Antibiotics usually only ask if symptoms persist Occant particularly severe. What causes an ear infection? The middle ear is located behind the eardrum directly. It consists of three small Azmat transporting sound vibrations from the eardrum to the inner ear. What causes most cases of otitis media is a bacterial or viral infection. Often it can be extended to the middle ear inflammation of the respiratory tract (sinuses, throat, lungs or airways) such as a cold or flu. Younger children are not particularly susceptible to this type of infection because the Central ears smaller and narrower than in adults, making the infection easier. Increased risk of ear infection if your child: • attends the nursery or day care center - this increases the exposure to inflammation than other children • exposed to smoking • not breastfeed breastfeeding Complications The complications of ear infections are not common, but when it occurs it can be annoying, and include: • prevalence of infection in the bone under the ear (mastoid) which is known as mastoiditis • prevalence of infection in the protective membranes that surround the brain and spinal cord (meningitis), which is known as inflammation Meningitis Repeated middle ear inflammation Repeated inflammation of the middle ear known three cases in six months or four cases a year of time. It is often after a new bacterial infection, but it is possible to happen after the injury the same germ. The treatment of recurrent inflammation of the middle ear is similar to the treatment of inflammation of the middle ear in terms of antibiotics. Taking antibiotics for the prevention of otitis media is the solution for patients who develop inflammation of one case at least annually. It can be addressed Alomoksicelin Chronic inflammation of the middle ear Chronic otitis media is characterized by the presence of permanent and chronic purulent fluid lead leather ear where pus secreted them. It occurs as one of the complications of acute otitis media, the impact of the eardrum hole. Concomitant impact suppurative ear hearing impairment in a lot of cases of chronic inflammation of the middle ear. The hole leads to symptoms or be asymptomatic in some cases. One of the complications of chronic otitis media is a tumor Alchollsterola is a topical proliferation of the cells in the middle ear, and is estimated to penetrate the eardrum or inner ear, causing deafness, dizziness and other symptoms. Surgical treatment is the solution to chronic inflammation of the middle ear, so as to bridge the drum - a surgical procedure carried out by doctors nose, ear and throat to fill the hole in the eardrum. There are other surgical procedures for the treatment of chronic middle ear inflammation. Surgeries succeed in recovering 80% of cases of chronic inflammation of the middle ear. Add intractable cases require antibiotic treatment. Causes ear infections: Ear infections occur because of bacteria or virus in the middle ear. And these infections often come from another disease such as a cold or flu or allergy that causes contention and swelling in the nasal passages and throat. And there is a very fine tube connects the inner ear and throat infection. And when you caught a cold lead to inflammation of this tube and could be up to a strong degree of obstruction, which leads to fluid retention in the inside of the ear. Which leads to the formation of germs and bacteria that cause ear infection. And ear infections are spread when children because these small tubes and more accurate and be subject to clogging easily. Factors that increase the risk of ear infections: Age: children aged between 6 months to 2 years old are more susceptible to ear infections. And that because of the size and shape of the pipe and a weakened immune system. Therefore, care must be taken care of children in this age because it is more susceptible to colds and attention to their health at home. Seasonal factors: ear infections are more common in autumn and winter when the spread of colds and flu. And spread when individuals who suffer from seasonal allergies. Pollution in the air like smoke and tobacco and high levels of pollution can increase the risk of ear infections. Prevention of ear infections: To prevent injury to children with colds and other diseases, should teach children to wash their hands constantly and accurately. And not sharing eating utensils and drinking when sneezing and put their hands. And reduce the contact of children with lots of children and their children in a small group number to prevent any infection. Avoid passive smoking: Make sure that no one smokes in your home. And always tried to stay in the smoke-free environment .. duration of breast-feeding the child: the mother should breastfeed her child is keen for a period of not less than 6 months. And because the mother's milk contains antibodies that provide protection against ear infections. Talk to your doctor about what immunizations and vaccines needed to protect children, such as vaccine and seasonal flu vaccine visions inflammation and help prevent ear infections. And the doctor may prescribe some treatments that protect the body from infections such as antibiotics. And the doctor offers treatments congestion
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