Scientific progress step forward toward better health

A qualitative step in the field of anti-bacterial resistance to antibiotics, British researchers have found a virus "eat" the bacteria. The newspaper "The Independent" British, researchers at Leicester University, discovered a kind of virus "eat" bacteria responsible for human infection seriously ill after infiltration into the intestines, "Clostridium difficile". The researchers isolated viruses that target bacteria "Clostridium difficile," They observed to be effective by 90 percent against the most dangerous strains of bacteria. For its part, the researcher said Martha Clocky, from the Department of inflammation and immune and infection in Leicester, said that the virus-eating bacteria may have a significant role in the coming decades. She added that "the future impact of antibiotics fading pace did not expect one, with the emergence of more bacteria objection to this miraculous drugs," noting that it "re-revive the search for new treatments." She explained that, unlike antibiotics, the viruses target one strain of bacteria, which may make them more effective in the treatment of Clostridium difficile, which turn into dangerous bacteria with antibiotic treatment intervention in the balance of bacteria "good" intestinal infection. She explained that this virus works by placing the amount of nuclear swollen that breed within the bacterial cell, leading eventually to the explosion and death, and viruses out of them before heading to kill other bacteria. It is noteworthy that these bacteria caused the deaths of 1646 people in Britain last year.

Approved Drug Administration and the Food Authority overnight on a new medical drug trading in the market soon seeks to combat viruses «hepatitis c» chronic, it is expected that the new drug achieves results up to 90 percent Unlike previous medical real estate, which was addressed resulting from viruses hepatitis c diseases rate ranged between 40 and 60 percent. The formal approval came in America, after that in the field of liver disease c researchers conducted a study on the new medical drug that carries the name «Suvo Sbiver» for three years at Johns Hopkins Hospital in the United States. The expert said in hepatitis diseases consultant digestive diseases and liver transplantation and perspectives at Johns Hopkins Hospital in America, Dr. Saleh al-Qahtani - A research team of the new drug -: «There are many drugs that have been used in the past to combat liver c diseases, however, are ineffective , they usually infect the patient's tumors and cirrhosis of the liver. » Al-Qahtani said in his interview to «life» Today: «over three years many of the research on the new medical drug was conducted, and became an active and achieve the desired result without damage, and the success rate of up to 90 percent, as opposed to previous medications». On a date to the descent of the new medical drug on the market in the Kingdom said: «usually takes from six months to a year, as is happening in the medical properties discovered previously», pointing out that the drug will benefit patients and permeated the usefulness of the world, and it makes a lot of patients shed the use of injection interferon, which can cause symptoms similar to severe influenza. In regard to the number of patients for the viruses hepatitis c in the Kingdom, Al-Qahtani he said: «truth There is no precise count, but there is a list of patients with convergence around 200 thousand patients, and certainly this property will limit the development of many pathological situations in which up to death». Hepatitis C affects about 3.2 million Americans, and killed more than 15 thousand patients in the world, mostly from diseases such as liver cancer and cirrhosis of the liver. The new medical and real estate Sovaldi is the first in a new class of medicines known as «nucleotide analogue inhibitors», or «nuclear bombs», aims to prevent a certain protein which hepatitis C virus needs to replicate itself.

Russian scientists arrived to produce a vaccine against smoking, currently being tested, hoping to help smokers quit their habit. Russian media reported that the new vaccine produced by scientists from Russia, has successfully passed the first clinical test, and does not constitute a risk to the lives of smokers. They pointed to it being the vaccine test to see its effectiveness and importance of clinical, noting that the essence lies in stimulating the production of antibodies, to prevent the arrival of nicotine to the brain, which leads to a lack smoker get the desired smoking orgasm, what helps him to give up this bad habit easily.

Italian scientists raised a big fuss invention drug is the first of its kind in the world makes it possible to control the sexual desire of women. The study's authors say that the new medication that so-called "female fidelity" only affects women, where women are related makes only one man who relates to him and get rid of him, and go away to have the desire to treason. And based on the mechanism of action "Female sincerity" on the hormonal influence of women, where studies indicate that the tendency of betrayal caused by disorders of the nervous and endocrine systems, so the new drug works to restore a woman's body to its natural state, and affect medication on hormone works hung men preferred, which women pay a mile to one man and stay away from treason.

Scientists from Columbia University Medical Center to determine the charge of false trails protein in brain cells, causing forms a common, non-inherited from Parkinson's "Parkinson" disease. The imbalance in the meeting point of three genes at least, they are involved in the disease earlier studies. While most molecular studies focused on genetic mutations associated with rare forms of the disease, the new study directly Parkinson's disease is common and non-genetic related. And can re-use the affected track key molecules through transfer from the cell surface to the interior stores.
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