Blood between health and disease
Introduction: Blood pressure is the pressure inside the arteries, which maintains the existence of compressive strength leads to push the blood through the circulatory system to all parts of the body, even though it was against gravity, expressed in blood pressure two digits, we say, for example, 130/80 mm Hg column, the lowest figure called (diastolic pressure) and is the highest number (systolic pressure), which is consistent with measurements of cardiac diastolic and systolic movement. In things natural conditions for healthy people blood pressure remains normal within a narrow swing between day and night and put a person standing or lying area; but the pressure is increasing while doing sporty muscular activity, or during exposure to emotions and stress, and often back pressure to normal earlier when relax and the demise of the above-mentioned effects. Arterial hypertension: The blood pressure is high if an average above the normal limit continued in cases of psychological relaxation and comfort, there is a category of patients said their people with high blood pressure flip-flops when blood pressure rises sometimes be normal in most times. The arterial hypertension disease does not differentiate between segments of society; it affects the young and elderly women and men and affects all races. The causes of arterial hypertension: It is between 90% - 95% of cases of high blood pressure is unknown reasons and called cases of primary or basic blood pressure. Cases of blood pressure known why or called (secondary), which is found at a class of patients ranged between 5% and 10%, and fall under the causes of this kind of pressure many diseases including: Multiple causes such as renal repeated infections of the kidneys or urinary tract, or as a result of the presence of kidney stones, or as a result of tight renal artery. Endocrine disorders or hormonal disorders or the use of birth control pills. Neurological reasons. Other reasons such as: a narrow aorta artery or the so-called (the aorta), or inflammation of the arteries multi-nodal, or as a result of pregnancy or connective tissue disease or high blood calcium. Factors that help the occurrence of high blood pressure: Although a large proportion of patients are under unknown slice the actual cause of high blood pressure, but there are some factors that help the disease to occur, or be associated with him, including: Genetics: play an important role in this disease occurs. Environment: a big role in high blood pressure. Increased intake of salt. Obesity: the health of the diseases that are dangerous to the heart and arteries factors and works on hardening of the arteries, which in turn cause high blood pressure. Alcohol: lead to high blood pressure, heart failure and increased incidence of muscle disorders and a rapid heartbeat. Smoking: is one of the risk factors on the heart and raises blood pressure and increases the incidence of stroke, heart disease and stroke. Lack of regular physical exercise. Diabetes: High blood pressure is more common in diabetic patients than in normal individuals, (there are almost 60% of diabetic patients with high blood pressure); where is the presence of diabetes, high blood pressure together from serious heart factors are increasing the likelihood of deficiency diseases the coronary arteries of the heart and high blood lipids. The steps involved to diagnose the causes of high blood pressure: Be sure to read the blood pressure and the height of the examination during several sessions and meetings Medical frequent. Try taking patients and family history accurately to get to the reason or perhaps the reasons leading to the high pressure, if any, and try to discover the factors that may have helped the occurrence of disease. The clinical condition of the patient with the calendar carefully examine the retina of the eye and try to detect any sign may help to reach the cause or causes of the disease. The work of the basic lab tests include: Blood test to see kidney function and the percentage of salts and hemoglobin and blood sugar. Urine test to determine the amount of protein and blood sugar. ECG to note any changes have taken place as a result of the presence of high blood pressure for a long time. Blood test to see how much cholesterol and triglyceride level. A chest X-ray to see the size of the heart and the size of the aorta and other changes. Action own laboratory tests to see secondary causes of high blood pressure include: - Photo kidneys through colored dye. - Measuring the level of certain hormones own blood and possibly urine. - Action rays Ultrasonic kidneys and adrenal gland (the neighbor renal). - The work of CT scan or MRI of the kidneys and adrenal gland if the need arises. - Work of nuclear radiation for the kidneys or adrenal glands or some tumors are expected to be causing the high blood pressure. Attempt to discover some of the diseases affecting the pattern of blood pressure Kalzbhh pectoris and asthma treatment. Attempt to discover the predisposing risk factors for atherosclerosis, such as diabetes and high fat and cholesterol and high blood homocysteine, obesity and smoking. Symptoms of high blood pressure: The high blood pressure can be located in humans many years without feeling it, so a lot of cases are discovered during the patient's examination clinically for another reason, and here should be noted that a lot of people think that headache is one of the main symptoms of high blood pressure; But the truth is that the only label headaches to severe high blood pressure and affecting the nervous system, some patients may complain of having palpitations or dizziness or fatigue or nosebleed or blood in the urine or a sense of blurred vision in appearance. As some patients with high blood pressure secondary reasons, the complaint may suggest symptoms of the disease that causes high blood pressure. Effects of high blood pressure on various organs of the body: When the doctor examined the patient high pressure, the important objectives that the looks of it is to try to discover the negative effects of high blood pressure on vital organs in the body and these effects: Heart: The presence of high blood pressure for a long time may lead to myocardial hypertrophy causes angina. The kidneys: disturbances in the function of the kidneys and the appearance of protein in the urine and blood may end the occurrence of renal failure. Nervous system: the existence of a severe headache behind the head, especially the morning time may be accompanied to severe high blood pressure, some patients complain about dizziness or fainting as a result of cerebral hemorrhage or encephalopathy due to severe rise in blood pressure. Eye: The simple blood pressure to rise for a long period of simple changes in retinal blood vessels may occur; but the very high blood pressure dangerous parts of the eye marked changes indicate the presence of a dangerous rise in blood pressure, treatment should be remedied quickly may occur. Aorta (aortic): As a result of high blood pressure in some patients may develop a ruptured aorta layers which in turn leads to severe chest pain; what leads to very serious complications of the chest, heart, kidneys, limbs and perhaps rapid death. Ways to treat high blood pressure: Non-pharmacological treatment: Avoid obesity and the need to reduce the weight so that should be a BMI between 19 to 24.9 kg / m 2. Eat low-fat and unsaturated fat as oil corn, sunflower oil, olive oil and soybean oil. Mitigation of 2-3 grams of salt per day, or the equivalent of a teaspoon of salt, and avoid food snacks that contain high amounts of salt. Eating dates for non-diabetics, it is an appropriate food for patients with high blood pressure, as well as the poor in sodium and rich in potassium, magnesium salt, which helps to lower blood pressure salts. Physical activity granulated regularly for 20-30 minutes three times a week and avoid strenuous exercise such as raising weights or pushing or pulling heavy objects. Refrain from smoking or drinking alcoholic beverages or narcotic pills. Avoid constipation and treatment of urinary retention, especially when enlarged prostate gland patients. Avoid psychological pressure - as much as possible - and take enough deep sleep and try to learn the art of relaxation. Avoid exposure to excessive heat such as sauna, as well as avoid fatigue types. Control of the seriousness with which play an important role in atherosclerosis for patients with coronary artery of the heart factors. Drug therapy: The main objective of the treatment of high blood pressure, even if the patient did not complain of any offer is to raise the risk of high blood pressure on various organs of the body, including the cardiovascular, kidney, brain and eyes. The factors that determine drug treatment strategy: Level of blood pressure and the presence of a family history of high blood pressure. Sex (male or female). High blood pressure at an early age or in patients black or dark-skinned. The existence of serious changes in the retina. The presence of complications due to high blood pressure for a long time and its impact on vital organs such as the heart, kidneys and brain. The presence of other diseases such as asthma and diabetes popular. Reasons for not responding to drug therapy: Description inadequate doses of medication. Irregularity in taking the drug. Use of drugs for other diseases have done the job for an anti-hypertensive drugs. Eating foods containing high amounts of salt or contain small amounts of potassium or magnesium. The presence of complications escort for high blood pressure a downturn heart and kidney failure or renal gland disorders neighbor (adrenal). The existence of a secondary cause or causes for high blood pressure have not been discovered yet. Alcohol or sleeping pills. Overweight and lack of regular physical exercise such as swimming and walking. The correct way to measure blood pressure: The blood pressure measuring device mercurial best equipment and most accurate, and are blood measuring process by wrapping a rubber band wrapped with a piece of cloth that is connected with the mercury column about the patient's arm or on the thigh, then be inflated, raising the pressure taping rubber up of pressure existing arteries, and this leads to a halt blood flow to the bottom of the arm or leg and difficult to sense a pulse, then we compressed air leaking inside the rubber band we feel the pulse of new and hear the speaker in the mid-arm under the rubber band sound of blood flow in the artery, and be reading on the mercury reading the systolic pressure column, and then continue to even the sound of air leaking blood flow, and then be read on the mercury column diastolic pressure reading. The correct way to classify blood pressure in adults Less than 130 / less than 85 mm Hg pressure normal 130-139 / 85-89 mm Hg within the upper limits of normal pressure 140-159 / 90-99 mm Hg slight increase 160-179 / 100-109 mm Hg higher average pressure 180-209 / 110-119 mm Hg very high pressure More than 210 / more than 120 mm Hg rise very severe pressure It classifies hypertension systolic and diastolic pressure together or one of them. Some important tips to measure blood pressure: We recommend that you have your blood pressure measured by a doctor or by a person who knows the correct way to measure blood pressure in the same user's blood pressure measuring device and on the same arm and the person sample that is measured each time, and can be experienced from within the home blood pressure measurement of the patient at home, and the best way to find out the real pressure of the patient by taking repeated readings for 24 hours mediated by a special device proves to patients oscillating blood pressure owners. Preferably use of mercury blood pressure measuring device that periodic maintenance are to him to make sure of its accuracy. You must use the appropriate size of a rubber band that wrapped around the arm, taking into account the patient's size and the size of his arm. Preferably the patient is sitting relaxed, putting his arm on the table, and that the arm at heart level. The elderly, diabetics who take medication for blood pressure-reducing also prefers to measure pressure and standing. You should not be smoking, or at least to abstain from drinking coffee and tea for 30 minutes before you start measuring blood pressure (systolic and diastolic). If you want to re-blood pressure measurement prefers to do two minutes after the passage of another measure blood pressure and prefer to take another reading at the end of each visit to the doctor. If there is a difference between the previous readings during the same patient visit ranged between 5-10 mm Hg arm himself prefers take another reading to make sure. The difference in blood pressure between the left arm and right a fundamental difference when more than 10 mmHg in systolic or diastolic or both and taken top figure in them. Remember that blood pressure varies according to your mental and family and social influences and external pressures, but the change must not be great; you should not change your treatment or dosage by Mrit you; but according to the doctor's advice to you. Always remember that the ambulance hospitals are ready to meet you if you need to and when high blood pressure for more than 200 mmHg or more systolic and 120 mm Hg or more diastolic or when there are other symptoms associated with such severe pain in the chest, severe headaches, dizziness, palpitations or cramps in parts of the body with or without a change in the patient's consciousness. Be sure to take prescribed for you, even in the absence of obvious symptoms treatment; because this avoids serious complications from sudden and severe rise in blood pressure on vital organs in the body, in addition to the serious effects caused by high blood pressure for a long time in those members. Follow-up program for blood pressure Blood Pressure proposed duration of the re-examination Less than 130 / less than 85 mm Hg every two years 130-139 / 85-89 mm Hg to make sure reading in two months 140-159 / 90-99 mm Hg to make sure reading in two months 160-179 / 100-109 mm Hg patient put a full calendar during the month by a specialist doctor 180-209 / 110/119 mmHg calendar patient is positioned fully within a week by a specialist with the start of treatment More than 210 / more than 120 mm Hg Enter patient hospital and treated immediately with a full assessment of his condition by a specialist doctor Keep a small notebook containing your information (full record of the patient, address and cured if one or more with writing doses and has been from the changes), as well as a schedule allows the registration of the patient's blood pressure at different times, at least twice each week in the absence of any complications and increase the number of times a blood pressure gauge when the following symptoms occur advised by the doctor who examined the state of his health: The presence of a severe headache. Chest pain or feeling short of breath at rest or when doing simple effort. Feeling dizzy is a companion or pain in the ear is a companion to the movement of the neck. Taking the drug at specific times and always brought a notepad with you when you visit your doctor for blood pressure readings at different times of day and under different circumstances. A healthy lifestyle maintains proper blood pressure: Daily behaviors and our way of life in the blood pressure level influence, and there are three elements of the President for the prevention of high blood pressure are as follows: Monitor your weight down, obesity increases the chance of developing high blood pressure; so you must constantly monitor weight and maintain it in its natural borders. Healthy and rich food necessary for the body nutrients intake, by reducing the amount of food intake, and chew food well, and read the food label on the packaging with a focus on choosing foods that contain less salt ratio. And avoid eating processed foods or food such as sweets, cakes and hamburgers and pizza and replaced them with eating fruits and vegetables, with the reduction of salt in food and use stead vinegar or lemon and some herbs. Exercise regularly for 20-30 minutes a day.
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